Javier Rodriguez Cifuentes is a Junior at Pacelli High School in Austin. Javier is currently ... Learn More

Javier Rodriguez Cifuentes
About Me
Javier Rodriguez Cifuentes is a Junior at Pacelli High School in Austin. Javier is currently taking part in afew extracurricular activities, such as cross country, track and field, and choir. During the summer, heattended Riverland's R-Step program in order to gain both college experience and college credits. Beforeattending the program, Javier could be found helping out his family's business, "West Oakland AutoRepair". He has been working with his family for as long as he can remember and isn't planning to stopanytime soon. When Javier isn't busy, he enjoys woodworking, metalworking, reading, hanging out withfriends, and playing volleyball. After graduating, Javier's dream is to attend the University of Cincinnatiand get a degree in fire science.