Shyanna Deters is a senior at Austin High School and is also enrolled though Riverland as a ... Learn More

Shyanna Deters
About Me
Shyanna Deters is a senior at Austin High School and is also enrolled though Riverland as a PSEOstudent. Throughout high school, Shyanna has been involved in Youth Leadership, Austin Packer GirlsTennis, Volleyball, Band, and Student Council, for which she was the treasurer her sophomore year.Outside of school, she is very involved in her church, volunteering Sundays in the nursery, and preparingmeals for the Wednesday night meal. Shyanna is employed at Adventure Bound Beavertrails Campgroundin the recreation department. In her free time, Shyanna enjoys spending time with friends and family,listening to music, and drawing. Her hopeful future plan includes attending a four-year private universityto double major in Entrepreneurship and International Business.