Friday morning we me with Cassie Guy at Guy Family Dentistry. She decided she wanted to become a dentist when she met a very influential dentist at age six. She knew she wanted to work in dentistry from then on and stayed focused on her dream. At that time, about 30% of the field was women and now it’s over 50%. After college she returned to Austin where she took over a practice as the first woman dentist in Austin and eventually built a new office. She didn’t learn a lot about business in dentistry school, but more was learned when she started her business. She felt that she had a lot of support in Austin with other dentist as she began and still experiences that community of dentistry.
Thanks for a great visit!
Key takeaways:
- Stick close to the people that are supportive of you and your goals
- Ask questions to the people you trust who have been through challenges you face
- You have to make sure your physical and mental health are good in order to be good for others
- You need to have understanding of others and sympathetic
- They work as a team on continued education. Cassie values her people and they want to grow together
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